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Tư vấn trực tuyến
$sql="select chitietvn as truongmuc from submenu where stt_sub=".$nhom." and hienthi='1' and user='$u'";
// echo $sql;
if ($result)
$truongmuc=$row1["truongmuc"]; //lay truong muc in ra theo nhom
//paging muc tin them
echo "
$sql="select id,tieudeen as tieude,ngay,nhom from noidung where nhom='".$nhom."' and hienthi='1' and user='$u' and id<>$id and tieude not Null order by sapxep desc";
$sql="select id,tieudevn as tieude,nhom,ngay from noidung where nhom='".$nhom."' and hienthi='1' and user='$u' and id<>$id order by sapxep desc ";
//$sql="select id,tieudevn as tieude,nhom,ngay from noidung where nhom='".$nhom."' and hienthi='1' and user='$u' and id<>1 order by sapxep desc ";
//echo $sql;
if ($result)
echo "